Convert civilian vehicles into police cars.
Convert 1,400 civilian vehicles into police cars, respecting all the norms and specifications.
Manage onsite logistics to avoid management problems due to supplier delays on parts delivery. Digital tools providing real-time vision of vehicle statistics and situations (ready, not touched or waiting for parts), together with qualitative information regardingeach vehicle.
Manage vehicle progression in real-time vision thanks to TRIGO’sdigital solutions: Parking Lot, Data Entry and Reworker.
Participation in 13 onsite areas of reworking activities:
Module 0: preparation of parts kit
Module 1: vehicles stickering
Module 2: fixed glass shielding (front and rear windows)
Module 3: doors stripping / dismantling movable windows / doors relining with bulletproof glass
Module 3 BIS: shielding installation on movable windows
Module 4: Internal stripping for the passage of different electrical clusters
Module 5: installation and fixing of ramps and antennas on the roof
Module 6: electrical preparation of the engine compartment, wiring clusters, etc.
Module 7: internal relining
Module 8: installation of platinum clusters (a part that manages the new electrical vehicles’ components)
Module 9: adjustment of the dashboard and speaker, installation of additional elements on the dashboard
Module 10: insertion of front and rear seat covers
Module 11: final inspection (appearance, electrical, etc.)
Plus: vehicle jockeying
- France
- 3 months
- 1,400 reworked vehicles
- 32 vehicles reworked per day
- Approximately 100 TRIGO employees, shared in 3 groups (3x8)
- Second mission scheduled for mid-January
- 1 Site Manager
- 2 Team Managers
- 70 to 80 Reworkers
- 7 Jockeys / Vehicle Preparers
- Team organization and mobilization for the missions’ success
- Cooperation with OEM employees to implement digital tools enabling to follow real-time information regarding vehicle status.
- Respect of the delivery day by overcoming logistics challenges due to suppliers' delays.
- Customer satisfaction