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Environmental Social Governance


As a global provider of quality services, we are in a position to help address global environmental and social challenges, and to support opportunities for economic growth within local communities. It is important to contribute to the local communities where our employees, their families and our customers work and live.
We are committed to the continuous engagement, with a variety of groups, on these very important matters. Their input is used to determine our actions and provides us with invaluable perspectives that shape our approach.


What is equally important is working towards implementing and upholding responsible practices, building strong employees ties and adding value to our internal and external stakeholders.

Therefore, we have undertaken initiatives to promote social diversity (for example, by developing centres for disabled workers throughout Europe) or to promote environmental preservation initiatives. These take various forms, such as the introduction of paper recycling, the elimination of plastic in offices and the development of a methodology to calculate and control our carbon emissions.



Since 2016, INDEFI accompanies TRIGO to develop and measure its Environmental Social and Governance performance. Therefore, TRIGO has defined a methodology and targets through a roadmap until 2023.

As a strong commitment on ESG topics, TRIGO is engaged with INDEFI on a long-term development plan. A yearly audit by INDEFI is set to measure the progress on the long-term goals and shows the substantial improvement since 2018.


Over the last two years, a group action plan has been defined to ensure the consistency of quality standards and best practices across its subsidiaries in the world.
Therefore, four objectives have been defined:
•    Demonstrate the positive impacts of TRIGO quality services.
•    How? by showing TRIGO’s contribution to limiting CO2 emissions and enhancing industrial processes efficiency, making them more sustainable
•    Foster the adoption of CSR policy across the Group.
•    How? by providing a transparent Corporate Governance policy, ensuring that all subsidiaries are managed both according to local regulations and comprehensive internal rules.
•    Enhance employee’s satisfaction and well-being.
•    How? by remaining close to regional and local characteristics to maximize both internal efficiency and ensure compliance with local regulations.
•    Contain TRIGO’s environmental impact.
•    How? By implementing several measures at local levels to mitigate the Group’s environmental impacts.


action plan trigo esg policy.



 In 2021, TRIGO has achieved a full progress cycle with a score of 82%. Thanks to a continuous improvement process, our goal for 2023 is to exceed the 90% excellence threshold.


One of our main goals in 2024 is to focus upon enhancing our sustainability efforts with a significant emphasis on environmental and social commitments. We aim to improve customer GHG savings by optimizing our operations to minimize transportation and waste generation, striving to reduce C02 emissions by 5%. This effort reinforces the strong connection between our environmental dedication and the quality of our work. In 2023, we developed and implemented a specialized IT tool to measure our C02 emissions across plants and offices, addressing all three emissions areas. This tool allows us to set reduction targets essential for understanding and eliminating emissions. In addition, we are committed to enhancing our data capabilities on an ongoing basis, aiming to set higher standards in achieving carbon neutrality.   


TRIGO remains steadfast in promoting diversity and equity for all within our workforce. Measuring and improving employee satisfaction and well-being annually are also some of our top priorities in 2024. Enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion, such as gender equality in top management, are key initiatives that make TRIGO a great place to work. Embracing diverse perspectives is vital to our success. Quality, diversity and inclusion are integral to our operations, fostering a more engaged and productive workplace. Additionally, we joined the UN Global Compact in April 2024, aligning our efforts with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Governance priorities include the deployment of new CSRD standards in ESG reporting and initiating CO2 reduction projects. We will continue to support various local initiatives and NGO actions.


These comprehensive 2024 objectives underscore our commitment to sustainability, reflecting our dedication to making a positive and lasting impact on the environment, Governance and society.


Ecovadis BadgeIn 2024 TRIGO has been recognized as a “committed” company by ECOVADIS. This assessment holds significance as:

•  It acknowledges our recently established ESG policy.
•  It aligns with our clients’ current requirements, with some relying on ECOVADIS for assessing the ESG practices of their suppliers.


This first ECOVADIS assessment conducted at Group level is a well-deserved recognition. We will keep maintaining our efforts to enhance our impact for a more sustainable industry, given that both our clients’ and ECOVADIS’ expectations are set to increase.

TRIGO’s Code of Conduct

We value diversity and teamwork and as such, find it invaluable when we come together to share experiences and perspectives which celebrate our commonalities and our differences.

In particular, TRIGO’s Code of Conduct defines our ethical principles and our compliance principles. We encourage and support our employees to do what is right and to speak up when we see any behaviour that they believe does not live up to our values, with no retaliation for raising a concern or making a report in good faith. Our employees are trained on the Code of Conduct and must sign it to acknowledge their understanding and commitment to abide by its guidelines.
Our Code of Conduct applies to all and reflects TRIGO’s commitment to conducting business ethically, legally, and safely.


  • Our anti-corruption risk mapping completed and action plans at subsidiary levels deployed.
  • Our Code of conduct fully effective and 86% of our employees trained.
  • The ESG policy fully incorporated in the company management system: Reporting indicators are defined.


• Maintain continuous awareness of the code of conduct across the group
• Follow specific action plans in subsidiaries exposed to corruption risks
• Roll out the ESG scorecard in subsidiaries in alignment with the group objective

TRIGO Group, the global leader in inspection, engineering and Quality Management consulting for automobile, aerospace, rail and heavy transportation, unveils its new Environmental, Social and corporate Governance (ESG) strategy for the next three years. TRIGO Group unveils its new ESG strategy to accelerate the decarbonisation of the transportation industry.

TRIGO Group, the global leader in quality management for the automotive, aerospace, rail and heavy transportation industries, unveils its new Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy for the next three years.

Trigo employment center in Spain ESG initiatives TRIGO employment centre

The TRIGO Employment Centre was created in March 2022 in Spain and has been very active so far with the qualification of 2 centres in less than 6 months. Those centres are about to receive the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications.

social initiative aerospace French aerospace division made a partnership with YMCA Services Occitanie

French aerospace division made a partnership with YMCA Services Occitanie since June 2022

think green and grow initiative by trigo TRIGO’S THINK GREEN & GROW

TRIGO Americas, as part of their “Think Green” initiative, distributed hundreds of reusable aluminium tumblers to salaried staff in Canada, USA, Mexico and Brazil.